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Can someone explain to me what gramps was on about? It feels important to know.
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balancing like 3 books right now. finished a muriel spark in the middle of the night last night while eating salami out of the fridge.
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Post your favorite tracks, shit on each other and prove your tastes supreme.
Fornäs reformulates these types slightly to suit his own purposes. The first he terms "social authenticity, since it uses criteria taken from the level of collective group interaction" and the second he calls "subjective authenticity, since it focuses on the relation between an individual performer and/or listener and her own mind and body, as a state of presence." Both, he points out "stress either source or reception authenticity, with textual authenticity as a silent presumption."
"The third form," he writes, "could be defined as cultural or meta-authenticity, since it moves within (and derives legitimacy from) the level of the symbolic expressions ('texts') themselves." Unlike the first two types, meta-authenticity deals with the authenticity of texts themselves rather than that of their producers or audiences.
I identify as a...
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not Haivng him as Ur lock Screen bcuz Ur ashamed of His Face ? That Just means U guys are a Private , Introverted , Discrete Couple . not Like all those other Gross weirdos Doing PDA on the Tram !! cant Stop stalking Ur hotter Exes On their Socials ? it's Because U Kno they Cant Compare 2 Ur Boyfriend's GROUNDED, DOWN TO EARTH , UNIQUE hotness <3
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ciggy ciggy ciggy
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- Trailer_DudeMonkeyLMAO : obviously
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A recent discussion I had about AGP got me thinking about which fetishes cross the line into a psychological disorder and it occured to me that ever Masochist I've ever met has been self destructive outside of their BDSM shit and every sadist I've met has been sadistic outside of their sex life too so idea that the whole thing is a LARP isn't very convincing.
Granted, I'm working with a small sample size but the one hardcore sadist I met IRL was a huge bully in his teen years who did all his "roleplay" with severely depressed chicks and also liked hurting people or watching them get hurt people for the hell of it outside of his sex life and had other antisocial traits. He was also into the really extreme shit like crying and bleeding.
I've met several women into it and unsurprisingly all of them had really low self esteem and depression.
- Salvadore_Ally_Chud : Wine DARK sea. Not wine-red. I am betting are the lit tards are wrong about eye color thing.
- BIGBILLYKONGDONG : That's literally what both the thread and the wordcel longpost say
- Nightcrawler : can I report without logging into redscarepod.net? jimie ping !classics
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mrw the $DASHA price goes uppic.twitter.com/gOBo5ymUIl
— Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi (@ElectionLegal) February 6, 2025
Fuenty will u buy my coin https://t.co/1UXZw4Da0H
— dasha (@dash_eats) February 5, 2025
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The downward spiral keeps going, yet another CT sub has fallen. 😭 Cumboys and cumgirls are the most persecuted people on reddit. Nick leaves, and now reddit kicks us off again. Dark times.
Many NSFW subs recently got banned for being "unmoderated" actually like /r/drugs. reddit sucks ass.
/r/redscarepod is next in line for the rope, betting on it.
Edit: NVM it's back up
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And is performative edginess actually any less cringe, or just a slightly more offensive manifestation of the same ODD toddler mindset? Can you be outré without being a ten year old who finally worked up the nerve to curse on voicechat?
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worst i've ever seen it is it just edgier /r/politics now or something
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i'm at my big firm corporate girlboss job and one of my coworkers said something about grad school - i missed a deadline last month, guess that's a sore spot for me - and i just started crying. tried to hold it in but all i managed were tears silently sliding down my face. had to slip out after a minute when it didn't stop.
literally been slinking around the office and hiding in the bathroom for an hour trying to stop crying. once, i thought i was in the clear, but when i put my hand on the doorknob to the meeting room it started up again.
i'm so annoyed because i'm a totally competent person otherwise. i'm not even really ""emotional"", like i stay pretty girlboss professional eloquent deadpan all the time - which makes it even worse when i turn into a blubbery red-eyed swollen-faced mess.
all my life i've been someone who cries at the drop of a hat - in elementary school, during ballet class, at parties, etc etc. one of my exes would get so mad at me when i cried and accuse me of doing it to derail whatever stupid fight we were having and make him feel bad. i kept swearing i wasn't doing it on purpose and i tried my best not to cry but he never believed me. i do try!! i hate crying. it's embarrassing and it's a waste of my time. i'm missing an important meeting right now :( i have to go collect my laptop that's been sitting there abandoned. what do i even say? nothing? say my tummy was upset?
Good lord this woman is a MESS. Someone casually mentioned grad school and it caused her to cry for the rest of the fucking day.
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The code is NERDS ROPE to activate Nick's retarded Manchurian Candidate to 'take care of' Dasha
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i wonder this a lot and while i like to imagine she uses a nice green apple shampoo for fragrance at the end i feel like when she does wash it its probably with an unscented shampoo bar or maybe something boring like this if she's feeling fancier than usual or going out somewhere and plans to be sniffed but ive had this niggling uncertainty that maybe she floralmaxxes and doubles up on flowery conditioner and shampoo every other day and she just looks greasy by choice
anyway what are your thoughts
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Mine is fairly tame and normal compared to other things but it's so distressing for me to tell someone I'm intimate with that I've only ever told one ex gf.
But anyways, mine is a girl ripping her pants when she bends over or squats down. I wish I knew why it gets me going so much but I don't.
- OutKongged : beautiful
- Y : They ate after this post 💀
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no really, it bothers me but not like it does some people
i have my excuses (my spine is deteriorating haha) but it is what it is
worst part imo is how far ive come. i used to be a pure antisocial shut in, but it took until my mid 20s to become social. people seem to view me as charismatic now.
im going to ask a girl out soon. ive been on a few dates but its been way too long. i have no money and no car (of my own) so fuck it why not.
but there's plenty of things in life that make me happy. my retarded cat is sitting on me and i love her so much, but shes making my legs way too hot, but i love her so ill endure it until i cant and then tell her i love her
of course i kinda wanna die but thats more due to the constant crippling pain. lol
its like 3am and i kinda want to kiss my self right now. haha
is it genuinely over? AMA, talk shit, give advice, manifest destiny, idc, i clearly just need attention. i just want to hold someone in my arms thst genuinely wants to be there with me. xD
- whyareyou : all incels are fakecels LOL
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Graduated last year and have a useless degree now. I'm technically doing my masters but I'm thinking of dropping out (haven't told my parents yet). Still live with my parents. Never had a real bf. Don't really have any friend. Is it over?