This post is incredibly deranged! IDK where to even begin. Almost 300 comments of shitlib fan fiction....
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This reads like satire but isn't!!!
My experience...
This is fair too
Total lies! 80 million people voted for Trump. Hannity averages just a few million nightly viewers. 95% of Republicans do not watch FOX News any given night.
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I don't doubt they've heard some shit, but it probably comes down more of a fucking poors thing. Maybe a fucking lot of baby's-first summer tradie gigs. They should widen their social circle with more poors from the fucking lib areas and get their mind blown. Maybe have to hide in a fucking trashcan to hear the fucking full experience though.
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I actually went over this a few weeks back and if you read in between the lines, /r/redscarepod is decidedly lower middle class. They are the underemployed people who got C+'s in college in sociology and communication classes.
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there was a post a few months back of this underemployed woman who lived off food stamps and was praising "povertymaxxing" and all the comments were positive. its always baffling when people accuse the sub of being rich kids bc like its obviously a ton of broke losers? been that way for years and gets more and more so the more shitlib/leftist it gets. many such cases!
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I always took the 'dirtbag' part of dirtbag left to just mean 'exceptionally lazy'.
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Id say most of the conservatives ive met IRL are somewhere near the middle of the spectrum between pleasant, decent people and the nuttiness the OP describes. They can be kind of annoying, often moreso than your average shitlib, and spout regarded nonsense that i can easily google to debunk, but ive almost never seen them get this frothing at the mouth nuts in offline convos lol.
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yea once you get into 'i'm scared' territory its time to log off forever
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"DAE hate Rethuglicans??!!"
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nice quints
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Dang that's a new personal best for me across all sites!
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You'll never beat this, time to hang up your keyboard and resign.
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"Stepfamily" yeah okay you're not biased at all a trumpist is fucking your mom
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The more time I spend around conservatives the more unnerving they are to me
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like someone else said this is a class issue. if you hang around successful, educated people they will be pleasant to be around (no matter political affiliation) and if you hang around uneducated losers its more likely to be unpleasant (regardless of political affiliation). uneducated/affluent and educated/broke are a mixed bag!
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It varies imo. I'm from Alabama and grew up a bleeding heart lib that constantly got in fights with everyone about politics. With age I'm a bit more socially conservative about (disdain for alt queer poly people and more critical of open borders) but I'm still economically left wing (I just want people to have healthcare honey) this said you would meet a lot of people with genuinely bizarre ideas about how the world works. The biggest shock to me is the sheer number of people who don't believe in climate change or evolution. plus a weird amount of flat earthers. Not a lot but enough to be concerning.
Then you meet actually honest to god racists. I know people on here have a laugh with ironic racism and owning the libs but there are still KKK people and they're scary.
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See I find that if anything, being around liberals/leftists is the most unnerving thing. Their entire ideology and worldview revolves around denying human nature and pretending that the way basically all human beings thought and operated for all of history until 100 years ago is unthinkable and unnatural.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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Is it really that bad now? I've only been gone a few weeks.
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Name sounds like a reportmaxxing target. "Computer, check if 'rigger' is on the list"
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